Record shop

Discover the magic of music at our recordĀ shop!

Relive special and forgotten tunes in vinyl glory. From classic garage rock to stoned heavy psych, we transport you to another time. Choose from colorful album limited editions, originals, and private pressings. We believe music is a way of life. Let us fill your soul with joy on a journey through sweet soundscapes of the past. Don’t hesitate! Come and reminisce with us!

Got any vinyl you’d like to trade ? 

I love to trade as much as I love to share musical taste and geek about it. From jazz to rock everyone gets their ends beneficial. So if you have something you’d like to let go, let me know, i might have just the album your collection lacks…


Donate your unwanted vinyl records to us instead of throwing them away or letting them collect dust!

I value the unique sound of vinyl and believe that every record deserves a chance to be enjoyed. Whether you’re downsizing or decluttering, I’d love to take your unwanted vinyl off your hands and promise to give them the care and attention they deserve.

Contact us!

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